Internet of Things

Internet of Things

Internet of Things

A hundred years ago, no one ever thought that the computer connected to the Internet could be invented, which makes communication between countries of the world with the click of a button and without the need to cut distances. Of the facilities, you provide us within our life.

Internet of Things

Have you ever imagined that you would open your door without a key on a faceprint, for example? As soon as you open the door and enter your house, the coffee machine starts preparing a cup of coffee for you, and then the air conditioning system starts to work to give you the appropriate temperature for the weather condition, and you may lie on the sofa and find the TV has worked and opened to your favorite channel, all this and more is applicable or may Really implement thanks to theIoT technology. This technology has given us a lot of facilities, not in the realm of public life, but in all sectors of life.

What is the Internet of Things?

A simplified definition: It is a technology that allows any electronic thing connected to the Internet to perform its usual tasks more intelligently, and the thing means any electronic device that can be turned on and off, such as a television, air conditioner, home lighting, coffee maker, etc.

In order to make the TV enter into the technology of things, we add some intelligence to it so that it can connect to the Internet and add to its sensors that sense our commands and capture data around them and send it over the Internet to the device’s data centers to analyze and process the data and take the necessary decision and implement it. And we can control it through a computer connected to the Internet.

The IoT technology has shown that the Internet is no longer confined to computers, smartphones, and tablets, but rather includes many electronic devices around us to facilitate business in the work environment.

How do we benefit from IoT?

Being connected to the Internet with anything (a device that can be turned on or off) makes it smarter and easier to use.

The decision-making in devices connected to the Internet is through the data received and collected by the sensors that sense the surroundings, which makes the human control and effort in it the least possible.


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