Google Cloud Prices

Google Cloud Prices

Google Cloud Prices

What is Google Cloud Platform?

GCP is the latest of three large public cloud services.  Among its unique advantages is strong support for Kubernetes storage, a proprietary global fiber-optic network linking Google data centers, and “customer-friendly rates”. GCP Pricing is Google’s attempt to challenge the complexity of AWS and Azure’s pricing models, offering lower and easier-to-understand pricing than its competitors.

Google Cloud Prices

How much does Google Cloud cost per month?

The cost of implementing Google Cloud is determined by several factors, including the services used and the number of resources required. To estimate and control your costs, you can take advantage of the free tools provided by Google. These tools allow you to generate estimates based on expected usage, experiment with adjustments to existing deployments, and reduce costs internally.

Google Cloud Platform Price Calculator

With the official Google Certified Partners calculator, you can get a detailed estimate based on a variety of parameters. These parameters include the number and type of required instances, uptime, storage, and network requirements. You can also use this calculator to compare GCP deployment costs for similar deployments with other cloud providers.

If you don’t want to use the GCP calculator, you can also use the NetApp Google Cloud calculator. This calculator is especially useful for reviewing and comparing the costs of different storage options.

Google Cloud Prices

Google Cloud Functions offers 2 million free requests, and for subsequent requests, they charge 40 cents per million calls, plus $ 0.0000025 per gigabyte per second for data transfer.

Google Cloud Platform pricing features

  • Using the same example for most of the same month gives a “sustainable use discount” of up to 30%.
  • VM Pro-instances, which are suitable for functionality that can be stopped and restarted without prior notice, give discounts of up to 80%.
  • Long-term commitment to using VM that grants discounts of up to 57%.
  • The GCP Free tier offers always free basic services and a $ 300 credit for other services.


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